Noé - translation to English
Online Dictionary

Noé - translation to English

NOE; Noé; NoE; Noe (disambiguation)

n. Noah, male first name; man who built an ark to save his family and a (male-female) pair of every living creature from the great Flood (Biblical)
arche de Noé         
n. Noah's Ark


i noe u is a idiot



Noe may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for Noé
1. It's Noe Valley.
Amy Schumer and Aidy Bryant _ I Feel Pretty _ Talks at Google
2. ALVA NOE: The discovery in the book
Strange Tools - Art and Human Nature _ Alva Noë _ Talks at Google
3. Alva Noe is a writer and philosopher,
Strange Tools - Art and Human Nature _ Alva Noë _ Talks at Google
4. bus back up to Noe Valley.
Make it New - A History of Silicon Valley Design _ Barry Katz _ Talks at Google
5. "Irreversible," the Gaspar Noe movie was just a, yeah,
Silver Screen Fiend _ Patton Oswalt _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Noé
1. Pour l‘instant, bien s$';r, ils se moquaient. «Tu te prends pour Noé?» ricanaient–ils. «Je suis Noé» qu‘il répondait.
2. Noé Graff, propriétaire du domaine, intervient peu ŕ la cave.
3. Le monde a besoin d‘un million de Noé et d‘un million d‘arches, écrit–il.
4. Cela commence au XVIe si';cle, oů les artistes s‘attachent encore ŕ la figure héroďque de Noé, comme l‘atteste la Tenture de la Vie de Noé, série de cinq tapisseries provenant de la Fondation Toms Pauli.
5. Arpenter ces terres, c‘est découvrir une facette inconnue de l‘arche de Noé, possums, wallabies, wombats.